Virtual Library

For parents, caregivers & professionals in service to children with a neurodiversity, learning differences, and/or complex health needs

How to best help your child and family through a diagnosis? You must first lift the veil that is keeping you blind to what is possible.

In this three-part video series delivered straight to your inbox, you’ll become aware of all the ways in which you have limited yourself to a narrative imposed on you rather than becoming empowered to create a new narrative for you and your child.

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 Through powerful experiential learning, you'll:

Reclaim your inner calm: Discover practical tools to manage stress and cultivate a sense of peace, even amidst the chaos.

Unlock the power of your body: Learn how to listen to your body's signals and use movement to regulate your nervous system, fostering greater emotional resilience.

Build genuine connection: Develop the skills to connect with your child on a deeper level, fostering a sense of understanding and mutual respect.

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Powerful discussions between Christine L’Abbé and Cindy Kaplan that empower parents to write their own narrative and not be limited to the stories we’ve been taught to believe.

In this video collection of over 30 videos, you will have access to a variety of self-care practices, reflection work and meditations to assist you in your mindset shift.

Access today for only USD $89

A video collection that empowers parents and professionals in service to neurodiverse children to create an optimal learning environment for them to thrive.

Through over 40 powerful and educational videos, our speakers bridge the gap between western medicine and holistic approaches. Learn how to consciously connect with children and create opportunities for them to explore, discover and express their innate potential.

Access today for only USD $89

This 6 day mini-series of 20 minute expert guided therapeutic tutorials will help you gently free your tension and restore healthy movement to your neck, back and spine.

This easy to use innovative program leverages your brain to effortlessly retune your body. If you're ready to break free from the grip of aches and pains while supercharging your well being, we'll help you help yourself, the intelligent way. 

Access today for only USD $89

This mini course collection offers parents gentle, respectful brain-based exercises to improve low tone, balance, coordination and decrease spasticity,

Offer your child support right from home using principles of the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, a modality that uses movement in ways that awaken the capacity of the brain to create new neural pathways and possibilities.


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Become inspired and empowered with transformational and revolutionary perspectives for advocating for an optimal learning environment created for conscious connection and support that is most aligned with a neurodiverse child’s needs and innate learning potential.

Together let's grow a collective of fierce advocates for change for our kids to be seen, heard, valued, and celebrated exactly as they are, all the while being supported in a way that is aligned with their soul’s intent.

Get ready to move beyond the diagnosis and unleash a new realm of possibilities for you and your child!

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The Evolve Movement Team's Blog collection

Check out our blog post collection and learn about nutrition, listening training, conscious parenting, and more importantly become empowered to create an optimal learning environment for your child to step into their brilliance.

Learn, reflect, and transform with our blog collection.

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All The Information You Need To Be Empowered On This Journey

Join our mailing list and become empowered to create an optimal environment for your children to develop, thrive and step into their innate potential, all the while taking care of and loving yourself.

We see you because we are you.

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