The Fog That Keeps Us from Seeing Our Neurodivergent Children as Whole
Step one to learning how to create an optimal environment for your children to step into their innate potential.
For parents with neurodivergent children.
From Genetic conditions to cerebral Palsy, to ASD, to ADHD, to learning difficulties and so forth.
Learn how to lead your child towards their potential.

Learn how the fog blinds us from seeing life clearly, from stepping into our fullest most authentic lives.

Learn how the fog affects our relationship with our children and how we support them towards their potential.

Learn how to begin to lift the fog in your own life, mindset and ways of showing up for your children.

Hi, I'm Christine and this is my colleague and friend, Cindy, both certified conscious parenting coaches and published authors.
Like you, we are moms to neurodivergent kids. We see you because we are you. We get it.
- We’re here to give you hope on a journey that often feels lonely and painful.
We believe that our ability to connect authentically with our children is the most important factor in creating the conditions for them to develop and thrive. And in order to create this authentic connection, we first must learn to connect with ourselves so we can heal and open to new possibilities for ourselves, our children, and what the future holds. - We thought sharing a few videos with you about what that looks like and how you can begin the process of showing up for your kids in a way that will empower them to step into their potential.

"Thank you so much for this topic, it resonates so much 🙏🏻. "
Parent of Neurodivergent child

"Dear Christine and Cindy, thank you so much for sharing your experience and thoughts, listening to your talks is really helpful for me."
Parent of Neurodivergent child

"Evolving Together is exactly what parents of differently abled children need!
I can’t think of two better people than Cindy Kaplan and Christine L'Abbé, both certified Conscious Parenting coaches and parents of amazing differently abled children to bring this into the world.
Evolving Together is monumental! This membership community is not only providing support for parents in this demanding and often overwhelming parenting task, but ushering these parents through a process shifting the way we see special needs so that parents feel empowered to step into their fullest lives in order for their children to fully step into theirs."
Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Clinical Psychologist & NY Times bestselling author of The Conscious Parent & The Awakened Family